Syndicated Business Loans

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What is a Syndicated Business Loan?

Posted: September 21, 2018

Investopedia explains "A syndicated loan, also known as a syndicated bank facility, is financing offered by a group of lenders – referred to as a syndicate – who work together to provide funds for a single borrower. The borrower can be a corporation, a large project or a sovereignty, such as a government. The loan can involve a fixed amount of funds, a credit line or a combination of the two."

Why Should I Consider Syndication?

The lending industry has changed since it first began. Technology has jolted lenders to a completely different level of financing options. That being said, technology can only empower a business owner wise enough to know how to use it. Changes such as this and technical complications have risen many doubts about the future of the lending industry.

Fundera a long known and trusted source explains that many of these unknown brokers are charlatans. This is true there are many con artists and fraudulent groups out there. The good news is that no matter what business you may own more than likely you wish to make a profit and we are here to ensure that your business continues to grow.

Although you may be paying a higher interest (Usually due to low credit score) we assume a higher risk. At least when you're dealing with us, you recieve the money in your account within 24 hours of approval. Good luck trying to get that kind of speed and trust at the bank. We never ask for colateral instead, we only become a temporary financial partner and whatever profit you obtained with the loan is yours to keep.

Why are non colateral loans expensive?

Unsecured business loans come with risk to the lender. There is never a guarantee that the borrower will not default on the loan however; if you are one of those business owners with a decent credit score and options to choose from then, we suggest you consider a syndicated business loan. Its true that even a decent credit score isn’t enough to get you a low rate deal these days.

Did you know that there is a way to get a better rate?

The answer is loan syndication. Lenders compete for deals all the time. A business looks much better on paper when another lender is willing to put their money into the deal. Most lenders review this kind of action and wonder what did we overlook that convinced the other lenders to put their money into the deal? Click Here to find out more about lowering interest rates.

How can I can I figure out what I qualify for?

We actually have a pretty decent business loan calculator app. If you follow the instructions you should receive an email with your estimated qualification free of charge. This is an insider "data sheet" that will tell you the potential for qualification and how to sweeten the deal. Business owners should realize the benefit of knowing exactly where they stand with us and any other contributing lenders.

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